5i Heat Network project
Over the coming months, the South West Net Zero Hub will be hosting a series of five webinars for local authorities in the South West, focusing on Heat Networks.
Heat networks are expected to play a crucial role in decarbonising heat in buildings. They are also an important part of securing our energy independence through local, low carbon heat sources and in reducing the cost of living through efficient, affordable heating in densely populated areas. We expect significant growth in the coming decades – analysis shows that heat networks could provide about 20% of total heat by 2050. They currently provide about 3%.
Our webinars will explore key aspects that drive heat network development and delivery and will be organised around five themes: Influencing, Implementing, Innovation, Investment and Inter-disciplinary.
Subject to speaker availability, each of the five webinars will include three external speakers with plenty of time for Q&A.
The sessions will be interactive, and are intended to provide insight, improve knowledge, and identify areas that may require follow up workshops.
The webinars are open to all South West local authority teams and will be held on the third Tuesday of every month between 1500 and 1700.
Learning outcomes for the sessions are listed below and Local Authorities are invited to sign up to individual sessions, or the full set.
To register, please click on each of the links below.
Webinar 1- Influence
- An introduction to District Heating
- Insight on the Heat and Buildings Strategy
- Low carbon heat alternatives: Waste heat mapping
- LA Examples of heat networks
21 May 2024, 15:00 – 17:00
Webinar 2 - Innovation
- Training: heat network specialists and grants
- Internal Workforce and skillsets
- Engaging the Community Sector
- International and regional case studies models: scope for replication and implementation across the South West
- Heat Sources
16 July 2024, 15:00 -17:00
Webinar 3 - Investment
- Scheme viability with – and without – Local Authority finance
- How to make a make a return on investment.
- Making a realistic assessment of the risks of funding the heat network
- Best practice standards: support available for LAs
17 Sept 2024, 15:00 -17:00
Webinar 4 - Interdisciplinary
- Ofgem and Heat Trust’s role in regulation/ setting future standards
- How a Local Authority can make capacity to undertake the role of regulation
- Should the Local Authority have a political stake, or reputational interest in the long-term success of the Heat Network?
- Understanding the organisational resources to implement a supplier role takeover
15 October 2024, 15:00 – 17:00
Webinar 5 - Implementing
- Understanding Obstacles: physical connection barriers to heat networks
- Fostering Collaboration: eg zoning and frameworks for co-operation
- Support tools available
- Anchor heat loads to catalyse a heat network
- Code of Practice CP1
19 November 2024, 15:00 – 17:00