Providing retrofit advice to landlords

Find out how Severn Wye Energy Agency have been working with private landlords in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire to increase uptake of energy efficiency advice.
Improving retrofit advice across the South West

Find out about how a consortium of Devon and Cornwall community energy organisations have been putting new insights into engagement and marketing to retrofit clients into practice.
Not-Yet-Green Open Homes in North Somerset

Find out about an innovative new energy advice project helping residents in North Somerset to make their homes more energy efficient.
New mapping tool will support waste heat recovery

The Hub has developed a brand-new visualisation tool to provide local authorities with recommendations for the use of waste heat in the South West.
B&NES net zero carbon planning policy likely to drive more efficient buildings and cut energy bills

New report published on the introduction of the UK’s first net zero carbon planning policy in Bath and North East Somerset.
South West Net Zero Hub retrofit scheme wins top award

We are delighted to announce that we have won the Green homes upgrade of the year – project award for our Local Authority Delivery (LAD2) retrofit scheme at the Unlock Net Zero Live awards. The awards, which formed part of the annual Housing 2023 exhibition in Manchester on 27 June, recognise and champion progress on […]
Help for South West homes to reduce energy bills

People living in over 3000 social homes in the South West of England will benefit from improvements to boost energy efficiency, following a successful funding bid by the South West Net Zero Hub. The Hub has received funding of £28.4m and £9.3m to support the delivery of over £82m worth of home upgrades for low […]