Annual Conference 2024

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On 25 April 2024 the Hub invited local authorities to a in-person day conference at the County Cricket Ground in Taunton focusing on the challenges and opportunities to work together to achieve local climate ambitions.  

Watch and download the presentations below.

Video 1: Support available for net zero delivery

  1. Our work and the support we provide – Phillip Morris, South West Net Zero Hub  
  2. The policy support for local net zero delivery – Olivia Blunn, Head of Local Net Zero Policy and Finance, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero  

Video 2: A thriving Local Energy Ecosystem for Community Energy

  1. The national community energy perspective on the potential for community energy and local authority collaboration – Emma  Bridge, Chief Executive, Community Energy England.
  2. Our work to increase our understanding of the community energy sector in the south west, and how we can support it – Katherine Rooney, Community Energy Manager, SWNZH  

Video 3: Decarbonisation of Heat

  1. The role and interdependency of heat in a thriving decarbonised Local Energy System – Liz Warren, Director, SE2 
  2. A Council perspective on district heating, covering policy and deliveryNaomi Harnett, Delivery Manager, East Devon Council 
  3. Heat Network Zones and how they fit with smart local energy planning – Mark Howard, Heat Networks Specialist, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero 
  4. Upcoming support from the South West Net Zero Hub on heat networks – Sam Moore, Project Manager, South West Net Zero Hub  

Video 4: Financing net zero at scale

  1. How to attract the finance necessary to deliver a decarbonised local energy ecosystem in the South WestLaurence Diment, Assistant Director, Local Authority Advisory & Lending,  UK Infrastructure Bank  

Video 5: Smart local area energy planning

Session Chair: Janine Michael, Deputy Chief Executive, Centre for Sustainable Energy

  1. Smart local area energy planning – decarbonisation pathways and LAEP+: Keith Hempshall, Director of Local & Community Empowerment, Centre for Sustainable Energy  
  2. An LA experience of LAEPS – Mark Holmes, Carbon Neutral Cornwall Manager, Cornwall Council  
  3. The role of RESPs and their interaction with LAEP – Fiona Campbell, Head of Local Governance and Flexibility Strategy, Ofgem